Introduction: By understanding the effect of mental health on our lives, we will take proactive steps to take care of ourselves and our cherished ones. Take a deep breath, and embark on a journey of discovery and...
Category - Psychology
Introduction: Positive psychology aims at finding out the conditions that lead to happiness and success. 1. Understanding Positive Psychology: The essence of positive psychology is the science of people’s...
Introduction: Have you ever questioned the inner workings of the human mind? The human thought is a complex and multi-layered organ. The subject known as psychology that possesses the power of attention the human behavior and...
Introduction: Positive psychology aims at finding out the conditions that lead to happiness and success. 1. Understanding Positive Psychology: The essence of positive psychology is the science of people’s...
Introduction: Nowadays, the lives we live and the surroundings to which we’re surrounded have turned out to be a strain supply. Cortisol, normally considered the ‘stress hormone. 1. Cortisol and the Stress...
Introduction: Positive Psychology is a multidisciplinary research that goals to look at the causes and approaches related to human flourishing, happiness, and success. It offers reachable advice and techniques on the way to...
Introduction: The importation of the purpose is, therefore, important while one is attempting to achieve any type of success. It gives a ting to it, motivation, and a sense of aim. Nevertheless, I would like to begin our...
Introduction: In a world in which all the brightness is focused on the intellect and academic accomplishments, emotional smartness is usually in the background. Despite this shortcoming, this feature is precisely the one that...
What are the 5 ways to reduce stress In today’s day and age stress has become a very familiar companion for most of us, whether its responsibilities or personal challenges it’s very easy to be stressed. Fortunately there...
During exercise our body releases endorphins the endorphins then act as painkillers and mood elevators, it also reduces stress hormones like cortisol and increases the production of serotonin the neurotransmitter associated with...